Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Week 1:  Introduction  # 1 & 2

# 1  Opened the Learning 2.0 map to scanned the sketched route with its 23 milestones. My bird curiosity is intrigued.
# 2  Being a composite of human and fabulous creature it's difficult to decide which of the 7 1/2 Habits of Highly Successful Lifelong Learners is easiest and which is hardest. Depends on whether I am thinking with my head or feeling with the rest of me. Perhaps I should say that Habit 3, viewing problems as challenges, is a particular favorite of mine. Certainly, coordinating all my parts is an unceasing challenge at which I am mythically successful. Hardest habit for me to be comfortable with may be Habit 5, acquiring my own toolbox. I can't just pick up any tool (wings can be a nuisance). My tools need to be altered to fit the special abilities of my unusual anatomy. Not an easy process, but as I have confidence in my power to learn and adapt, over the next weeks my tool bag will become increasingly fuller.

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